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So far rosy has created 20 blog entries.

Upcoming In-Person Events

A few new events focusing on rotational grazing have been added to our training page! We have some exciting upcoming events happening, all surrounding the topic of rotational grazing. We have three events happening over in Newfoundland and Labrador: On the East Coast: October 2nd from 10 AM – 12 PM at Foxtrap Community Pasture and 2 PM – 4 PM at Bay Roberts Community Pasture (Register HERE) On the West Coast: October 4th from

2023-09-26T11:45:10+00:00September 25, 2023|Categories: OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|Tags: , , , |

Best Management Practices in Greenhouse Soils with Judson Reid

Judson Reid from Cornell University and Talia Plaskett, Perennia's Protected Crops Specialist, will be making the rounds in Nova Scotia July 3-July 5 for farmer-guided discussions on soil health in tunnel spaces! These sessions will be primarily focused around nitrogen management, and the crucial considerations to make when selecting nutrient inputs to make sure that we are supporting a healthy and resilient soil system, as well as maximizing the productivity on our target crops. This

2023-06-22T16:48:55+00:00June 22, 2023|Categories: Cover Crops, Nitrogen Management|

What Diseases to Expect in a Drought Year?

Across Nova Scotia, we are shy on rainfall, with many regions entering into drought-like conditions. As 0ur climate changes, longer periods between rain events is going to become part of the norm.  Dustin MacLean, Perennia Horticulturist and Plant Pathologist, has some insight to share on What Diseases to Expect in a Drought Year. In some cases, drought conditions directly impact disease by making the environment more favorable for pathogen infection, disease development and disease spread

2023-05-16T14:31:17+00:00May 16, 2023|Categories: Climate Change|Tags: , , , , |

Check out some of our new educational materials!

We have had a busy winter!  There are lots of great new resources that have been developed over the last several months to help further your journey in cover cropping, nitrogen management, and rotational grazing.  You can find all of this on our OFCAF website and on Perennia's YouTube channel, but here is a rundown of what you may have missed!Some great instructional YouTube videos featuring farmers and Perennia Specialists: Frost Seeding Red Clover into

Terminating cover crops with herbicides

When implementing cover crops into a crop rotation, it is important that the cover crop doesn't then become a weed!  For farms that use herbicides, check out this excellent article on considerations for cover crop species selection and termination, written by Purdue University.  (Note that this is an American publication, and you should check the Health Canada website before using any products to ensure that it is registered in Canada and that you are

2022-08-10T14:31:32+00:00April 10, 2023|Categories: Cover Crops|

Product Registration Changes Impacting Horticulture and Field Crops: Q&A with Perennia Specialists

Every year, crop production is impacted when pesticide products are cancelled or when labels are updated to include amendments to use patterns. In a changing regulatory climate, it can be hard to keep up.  Join us to learn updates from our team of Perennia Specialists who are here to support you in the horticulture and field crops sectors. The focal crops during the session are apples, grapes, wild blueberries, cranberries, vegetables, berries, cannabis and field

2023-02-02T12:41:47+00:00February 13, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Upcoming Rotational Grazing In-Person Workshops!

Interested in learning more about rotational grazing? Did you hear about our two upcoming, in-person workshop events? These events will consist of short presentations, followed by a practical activity. Have you ever wondered just how big your paddocks have to be, or how often you have to move your livestock to have an impact on your pasture’s health and productivity? Not sure how you’d have to set up your watering system to make rotational

2023-02-22T18:39:03+00:00February 2, 2023|Categories: OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|Tags: |

Manure Separation

Picture 2. Close-up of the NC Engineering separator. Picture 1. The layout of the outdoor manure separating area. On a recent trip to the UK, I visited Lower Farm in Warwickshire, a dairy farm where they were separating out the solids, liquid and sand in the manure. It is common to see manure separation in Europe as a whole, primarily to just separate the liquid and solid fraction, however this was

2023-02-22T18:39:53+00:00January 20, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

The effect of residual herbicides on cover crop establishment

Last winter, in a Horticulture Nova Scotia Research and Advisory committee meeting, we were discussing the effect of residual herbicides on cover crop establishment.  Very good tables are available on the residual effects of herbicides used in field crops on cover crop establishment, but many of the horticultural herbicides are not include in these tables. In order to answer the question: “Which cover crops are best suited to be planted after commonly used horticultural residual

2023-01-17T18:49:25+00:00January 17, 2023|Categories: Cover Crops, Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Calibrating a Broadcast Seeder

Frost seeding is a good way to improve a pasture or for seeding cover crops. A handheld broadcaster or a broadcaster mounted on an ATV is an easy way to get the job done. If you are thinking of trying frost seeding with a broadcaster for the first time you should know that calibrating your broadcaster is a really good idea, just like you would do for your seeders and sprayers. Calibration will ensure

2023-01-17T19:31:33+00:00January 9, 2023|Categories: Cover Crops, OFCAF|Tags: |
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