Interested in learning about manure? So are we

On October 24th, we were lucky to have a producer from Nova Scotia, an extension specialist from Minnesota, and a recent PhD candidate from Iowa, all to come talk about one thing, Manure. The day was based around poultry manure management. It was a great session, diving into composting, nutrient values, the importance of testing, and factors that influence nutrient content, application timing, and more. After the session, it was clear we were barely touching

2024-11-07T00:18:37+00:00November 7, 2024|Categories: Climate Change, Nitrogen Management, OFCAF|

You are Invited to the OFCAF Field Day!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying these beautiful late summer days. The Perennia Ag Services team is hosting a Field Day for the OFCAF BMPs. Our extension team will showcase six demonstration plots including intercropping legumes in corn, forage recovery, understanding marigolds as a cover crop and more. This is a great opportunity to receive your OFCAF education credits or CCA credits and chat with our team about the BMPs. There are also a

2024-09-11T13:37:41+00:00September 11, 2024|Categories: Cover Crops, Nitrogen Management, OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|

Application Update April 2024

The OFCAF application deadline for the Spring 2024 intake will be closing April 12th, 2024. This is a reminder to folks to fully complete and send their application by this Friday For any questions around the three beneficial management practices and applying them to your farm contact Georgia Lewis at or 902-670-9655 For questions surrounding the application itself and eligible criteria contact Helene Arenburg at or Sarah Wood at We are looking

2024-04-08T15:17:53+00:00April 8, 2024|Categories: Cover Crops, Nitrogen Management, OFCAF, Rotational Grazing, Uncategorized|

Upcoming OFCAF Events for Winter 2024 – and Farmer Resilience

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2024! On behalf of the OFCAF team at Perennia. We truly hope you were able to enjoy the holiday season! These last few weeks, while catching up on Ag news from across the country, it is pretty easy to see the trend of what most Ag journalist, economist, and industry folk are writing about. As we attempt to summarize the year, most first paragraphs begin with "This last

2024-01-12T20:32:15+00:00January 12, 2024|Categories: Nitrogen Management, OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|

A Brief Introduction and Update

  Happy Friday Folks  As this is my first blog post, please allow me to introduce myself as the new OFCAF team member here at Perennia, my name is Georgia Lewis.  I grew up in Kingston, Nova Scotia and graduated from the NSAC in 2014. I am very excited to be part of the Perennia team and to be working hand in hand with farmers and industry within our Atlantic region.  Last weekend I was

2023-11-27T18:13:00+00:00November 24, 2023|Categories: Climate Change, Cover Crops, Nitrogen Management, OFCAF|

Best Management Practices in Greenhouse Soils with Judson Reid

Judson Reid from Cornell University and Talia Plaskett, Perennia's Protected Crops Specialist, will be making the rounds in Nova Scotia July 3-July 5 for farmer-guided discussions on soil health in tunnel spaces! These sessions will be primarily focused around nitrogen management, and the crucial considerations to make when selecting nutrient inputs to make sure that we are supporting a healthy and resilient soil system, as well as maximizing the productivity on our target crops. This

2023-06-22T16:48:55+00:00June 22, 2023|Categories: Cover Crops, Nitrogen Management|

Check out some of our new educational materials!

We have had a busy winter!  There are lots of great new resources that have been developed over the last several months to help further your journey in cover cropping, nitrogen management, and rotational grazing.  You can find all of this on our OFCAF website and on Perennia's YouTube channel, but here is a rundown of what you may have missed!Some great instructional YouTube videos featuring farmers and Perennia Specialists: Frost Seeding Red Clover into

New Factsheet: How to Interpret a Compost Analysis Report!

There are many different types of compost, and figuring out how your crops and soils might respond to compost can be challenging.  To help guide you in how to best use compost to benefit your farm, it is always recommended to get a compost analysis.  Some compost retailers will have these readily available, all you have to do is ask.  If you make compost yourself on farm, it never hurts to send a sample

2023-01-03T15:25:25+00:00January 6, 2023|Categories: Nitrogen Management, OFCAF|Tags: , , |

Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers

Confused about the differences when it comes to nitrogen fertilizer technologies? You're not alone!  Check out Perennia's new factsheet and learn the difference between controlled release fertilizers, slow release fertilizers, urease inhibitors, nitrification inhibitors, and dual inhibitors. As fertilizer prices continue to increase, improvements in fertilizer-use efficiency can help you get the most out of your investment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding the different tools and technologies that are available to you will

2022-11-24T12:20:51+00:00November 24, 2022|Categories: Nitrogen Management, OFCAF|

Increasing your learning around cover cropping, rotational grazing, and nitrogen management

Are you interested in discovering more about cover crops, nitrogen management, and/or rotational grazing? How about improving your current practices in these areas? Check out the Farm Resilience Mentorship Program (FaRM), an online learning program. The FaRM program is brought to you by Farmers for Climate Solutions, who are a Canadian coalition of farmers and farmer supporting organizations who work to support farmers to reduce emissions and build resilience in the face of climate

2022-10-20T14:51:37+00:00October 7, 2022|Categories: Cover Crops, Nitrogen Management, OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|
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