You are Invited to the OFCAF Field Day!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying these beautiful late summer days. The Perennia Ag Services team is hosting a Field Day for the OFCAF BMPs. Our extension team will showcase six demonstration plots including intercropping legumes in corn, forage recovery, understanding marigolds as a cover crop and more. This is a great opportunity to receive your OFCAF education credits or CCA credits and chat with our team about the BMPs. There are also a

2024-09-11T13:37:41+00:00September 11, 2024|Categories: Cover Crops, Nitrogen Management, OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|

Application Update April 2024

The OFCAF application deadline for the Spring 2024 intake will be closing April 12th, 2024. This is a reminder to folks to fully complete and send their application by this Friday For any questions around the three beneficial management practices and applying them to your farm contact Georgia Lewis at or 902-670-9655 For questions surrounding the application itself and eligible criteria contact Helene Arenburg at or Sarah Wood at We are looking

2024-04-08T15:17:53+00:00April 8, 2024|Categories: Cover Crops, Nitrogen Management, OFCAF, Rotational Grazing, Uncategorized|

Upcoming OFCAF Events for Winter 2024 – and Farmer Resilience

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2024! On behalf of the OFCAF team at Perennia. We truly hope you were able to enjoy the holiday season! These last few weeks, while catching up on Ag news from across the country, it is pretty easy to see the trend of what most Ag journalist, economist, and industry folk are writing about. As we attempt to summarize the year, most first paragraphs begin with "This last

2024-01-12T20:32:15+00:00January 12, 2024|Categories: Nitrogen Management, OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|

Upcoming In-Person Events

A few new events focusing on rotational grazing have been added to our training page! We have some exciting upcoming events happening, all surrounding the topic of rotational grazing. We have three events happening over in Newfoundland and Labrador: On the East Coast: October 2nd from 10 AM – 12 PM at Foxtrap Community Pasture and 2 PM – 4 PM at Bay Roberts Community Pasture (Register HERE) On the West Coast: October 4th from

2023-09-26T11:45:10+00:00September 25, 2023|Categories: OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|Tags: , , , |

Check out some of our new educational materials!

We have had a busy winter!  There are lots of great new resources that have been developed over the last several months to help further your journey in cover cropping, nitrogen management, and rotational grazing.  You can find all of this on our OFCAF website and on Perennia's YouTube channel, but here is a rundown of what you may have missed!Some great instructional YouTube videos featuring farmers and Perennia Specialists: Frost Seeding Red Clover into

Upcoming Rotational Grazing In-Person Workshops!

Interested in learning more about rotational grazing? Did you hear about our two upcoming, in-person workshop events? These events will consist of short presentations, followed by a practical activity. Have you ever wondered just how big your paddocks have to be, or how often you have to move your livestock to have an impact on your pasture’s health and productivity? Not sure how you’d have to set up your watering system to make rotational

2023-02-22T18:39:03+00:00February 2, 2023|Categories: OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|Tags: |

Podcast Alert: Carbon Sequestration Through Grazing

Interested in learning more about how grazing cattle can improve carbon sequestration, but don't have time to read about it? Try a podcast!  Click on your favourite podcast app, and listen to Cows on the Planet, Season 2 Episode 10! In this episode, titled 'Carbon Sequestration and Grazing', Dr. Tim McAllister and Dr. Kim Stanford speak with Dr. Edward Bork from the University of Alberta about his work focused on increasing carbon sequestration through

2022-11-24T12:25:30+00:00December 5, 2022|Categories: Rotational Grazing|

Increasing your learning around cover cropping, rotational grazing, and nitrogen management

Are you interested in discovering more about cover crops, nitrogen management, and/or rotational grazing? How about improving your current practices in these areas? Check out the Farm Resilience Mentorship Program (FaRM), an online learning program. The FaRM program is brought to you by Farmers for Climate Solutions, who are a Canadian coalition of farmers and farmer supporting organizations who work to support farmers to reduce emissions and build resilience in the face of climate

2022-10-20T14:51:37+00:00October 7, 2022|Categories: Cover Crops, Nitrogen Management, OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|

Chatting about rotational grazing with Amber and Steve Kenyon

By Katie Trottier, Ruminant Livestock Specialist Steve and Amber Kenyon own and operate Greener Pastures Ranching in Alberta, a custom grazing operation with a focus on regenerative agriculture. Steve also teaches grazing management, writes for Canadian Cattle magazine and speaks at different events across North America on intensive grazing practices. Amber works for Gateway Research Organization, an AB agricultural research organization, as an outreach officer and also speaks at events. I had the pleasure

2022-11-24T12:22:12+00:00September 20, 2022|Categories: OFCAF, Rotational Grazing|

Field Day August 17th – Rotational Grazing: Thinking it Through

Upcoming field walk at the Digby Pasture!  Rotational grazing: thinking it through. Please join Perennia Extension staff for a hands-on workshop on August 17, 2022 at 3:00 to learn how to develop a rotational grazing system and improve pasture management.  Please register by clicking here:

2022-08-11T13:13:56+00:00August 11, 2022|Categories: Rotational Grazing|
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