Check out some of our new educational materials!

We have had a busy winter!  There are lots of great new resources that have been developed over the last several months to help further your journey in cover cropping, nitrogen management, and rotational grazing.  You can find all of this on our OFCAF website and on Perennia's YouTube channel, but here is a rundown of what you may have missed!Some great instructional YouTube videos featuring farmers and Perennia Specialists: Frost Seeding Red Clover into

Manure Separation

Picture 2. Close-up of the NC Engineering separator. Picture 1. The layout of the outdoor manure separating area. On a recent trip to the UK, I visited Lower Farm in Warwickshire, a dairy farm where they were separating out the solids, liquid and sand in the manure. It is common to see manure separation in Europe as a whole, primarily to just separate the liquid and solid fraction, however this was

2023-02-22T18:39:53+00:00January 20, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |
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